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petiolatum Hansson

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, head frontal female.

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, head frontal female (from ZooTaxa no. 2873:1-26).

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, vertex female (from ZooTaxa no. 2873:1-26).

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, antenna lateral female (from ZooTaxa no. 2873:1-26).

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, mesosoma dorsal female.

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, mesosoma dorsal female (from ZooTaxa no. 2873:1-26).

Cornugon petiolatum Hansson, propodeum dorsal female (from ZooTaxa no. 2873:1-26).

Original description

Hansson, C. 2011. Cornugon (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Entedoninae) a new genus from tropical America including ten new species. Zootaxa, 2873:16-18.




Vertex with two humps, one behind each posterior ocellus, with a complete median groove and with a groove delimiting posterior part of ocellar triangle; scutellum with a deep and distinct median groove extending from anterior margin along ¾ of length; hind coxa conspicuously hairy on posterior surface; propodeum with a complete and strong median carina; petiole about 3.5X as long as wide and reticulate with small meshes; first gastral tergite shiny and large, covering 2/3 length of gaster. Similar to C. leios and C. unicornis, but differing from both in having a very long petiole, and from the latter also in not having a horn on the upper-median frons.






Depository of primary type

Holotype female in Lund Entomology Museum, Sweden (LUZM).